Celebrating Bonfire Night 2013 in the City

The people of London are seemingly never short of an excuse for a party, and what could be better than a night when fireworks are not simply options, but essential to creating the perfect party atmosphere? Of course bonfire night has special significance in London, as it was here that Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament, along with King James I on this night in 1605. Fawkes, of course, was unsuccessful in his attempts yet the nation still celebrates the fact that he tried! Ever since the event in 1605 it has become customary for the cellars of the building to be thoroughly searched and cleared by the Yeoman of the Guard, and those entering the Parliament buildings to be searched in case they are trying to conceal any incendiary devices before the State Opening commences. There are a number of organised events taking place across all of the London Boroughs, so wherever you are there should be something going on in your local area.

Photo by Dominic Alves
Photo by Dominic Alves

Ealing Cricket Club

What could be more uplifting than watching the fireworks rise and listening to them explode in time with a piece of dramatic music? If you prefer your firework displays with a touch of the dramatic then the display at Ealing cricket club is the place to be. This year the music that has been chosen to accompany the event comes from favourite stage and screen productions. You should be able to pick out music from Star Wars, the Phantom of the Opera and Skyfall amongst others.

Once the fireworks are over it’s time to light the bonfire and watch as the flames burn into the night. Aside from the colour and spectacle of the fireworks there will also be bars and barbecue food available, mulled wine and rides and glow sticks for the younger members of the family. Tickets for the event are priced from £6.00, with gates to the grounds opening at 6.00pm for the fireworks scheduled to start at 7.30pm.

Alexandra Palace

The fireworks display at Alexandra Palace has not been held for four years, but this year it is back with a bang and sure to be more popular than ever. This year all of the activities will be taking place on November 2nd, which means that you can also take in another event on the night of the fifth itself. The event promises to be totally family friendly and entry will be by ticket only.

The display this year looks to be one of their most spectacular, having been designed and choreographed by Star Fireworks who were crowned the British Fireworks Champions in 2013. Aside from the display itself you can also look forward to a street food village, all the fun of a family fun fair, special ice skating opportunities and a German beer festival, which of course would not be complete without its very own ‘Oompah band’ and Bavarian food to go along with the beer. Tickets are priced from £6.00, with the special family skate sessions priced at £5.00.

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